Friday, January 28, 2011

Seasoned Beef in Rice

Really easy to make, this dish tastes like fried rice but is less greasy. Wash the rice and put it in a rice cooker, add water, and then put diced and seasoned beef, preserved vegetables, and frozen veg on top of the rice; cooked everything together in the rice cooker. After cooked, add soy sauce and a few drips of olive oil, mixed the rice and the ingredient together - a good meal is here.
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Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Sunday, December 23, 2007

My Homemade Kimchi

I had been thinking about putting out this recipe for almost a year. Here it is now:

Ingredients: Salted water (1 part of sea salt, 10 parts of water), napa/Chinese Cabbage (2 heads ; cut and soaked in salted water for 8 hours, rinsed), 6-8 green onions (cut), red peppers powder (3tbs spoons), sugar (1tbsp), Korean fish sauce (3tbsp.), 5 cloves of garlic (minced), 1-1.5 tbsp. minced ginger
Direction: (1) Mix peppers powder + sugar + fish sauce to form pepper sauce, sit it for 3 hours; (2) Mix (1) with all other ingredients together and you have Kimchi, put it in a air-tight container/ziploc bag/jar, put in the refrigerator, and serve cold (best taste after 3 weeks).

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Salad Special

Ingredients: Tomato, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers (peeled), Japanese cucumbers, dried mint, olive oil, salt, blue/goat cheese