Here is how I made my chicken strips - they are low fat and healthy :)

I marinated the chicken breast with:
(1) 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, (2) 1 teaspoon of mustard, (3) 1/2 teaspoon of salt, (4) 2 teaspoon of sugar, (5) 2 teaspoons of sherry wine, (6) 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, (7) a bit of black pepper, (8) 2 teaspoons of corn starch, which needed to be put in after ingredent 1-7 were added and mixed with the chicken), (9) several drops of sesame seed oil and a teaspoon of olive oil, both were added after 1-9 were added.
The chicken were then covered and sat for a couple hours.

Then, I preheated the oven to 350F
I coated the chicken with flour, piece by piece.

I then laid the pieces on a greased pizza stone, sprayed no-stick oil on top of them, and placed the stone in the center of my oven, start baking.
After about 13 minutes, I took the stone out, turn the chicken pieces around, and sprayed oil, then baked for another 13-15 minutes.

It turned out nicely (you can also put some lettuce underneath when serving, I put a couple sheets of nori seaweed).

And, with the fish congee, I made earlier, my meal was ready. I also put some kimchi inside the congee. They were served with some leftover bread we had.